Friday, December 2, 2011

A Drum Circle for One

“That’s the strange world we live in... that all of the advances and understanding are used only to continue the nonsense which has existed for two-thousand years.”

- Richard Feynman

Turns out speedbagging provides the perfect
setting for understanding physics.
Richard Feynman was a bongo drummer.  A drum circle enthusiast.  He was a physicist.  He was right about what I can only refer to as the general wholesale pissing away of scientific discovery to the ad-infinite bull$#!t and stupidity of man-[kind].  I don’t know if he ever knocked about the speed bag.

For those readers who know little or nothing about speed bagging (or punch drumming as it is sometimes called), other than having seen Stallone light it up in a Rocky montage, I’ll do my best to explain.